Saturday, August 18, 2007

friendster's really stupid right now.
I got a clue with Nancy Drew awhile ago. Pretty interesting movie. I almost loved it. Well worth the 350, I guess. Throw in the loud commentators behind me (which amused me a lot) and... the people beside me who were pretty damn loud. Nakakatawa yung comments nila kasi...sila nagsabi. Hindi dahil nakakatawa talaga siya. HAHAHAHA. (Gueeeesss who.)

Anyways. The plot was pretty mature for someone like Nancy Drew, cause they were dealing with the murder of Dehlia Dreycott. yeah. the Black Dahlia... OOhhlala. But I loved it otherwise. Hahahah. And Rachel Ray was there. So yeah. I loved it.


Maayos na yung PC namin. I can safely say I can stay on for hours without anything going wrong. Yet it's still early to say...since kakarating lang nito sa bahay.

Still. I'm happy.


I'm pretty pissed off cause people are showing off their pics in friendster, in ym, in multiply, wherever and I can't show off MINE! GRRRRRRR.


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